So you made it to my little secret Gallery! You sneaked right past me as I slept which was a bit under handed, but all is fair in love and war. I hope you enjoy some of my personal yaps about art.
Oh and, in case you are here trying to find D.ALL lore, none of this is directly canon anymore and very outdated (like the X-mas renders). But it does give insight into the project's devlopment.
Foxx Sun/Moon
Kinda crazy to think I started D.ALL back in Oct of 2023 (Although the name and basic concept has been around for a while. 6 years, if I recall correctly.), even though there is still a lot to be done, I have come a long way since then. The feedback I have gotten so far on the project has been so useful, it's nice to have more than one set of eyes on it. Makes the whole thing feel a lot less lonely.
The Party
One day, you four will be a game. I promised my younger self that, and I will keep that promise no matter what happens. Same goes for Herald and Benjamin Skullmen, you both will be great comics one day, or at least comics that I think were fun to work on.
One thing I wish to say before you go, please keep your dreams and connections close, they are what makes us human. If you have a story you wish to tell, then go and tell it! If it's bad or whatever, then learn and move forward! You can only learn by doing, no amount of preparation can prepare you for everything.
Good luck, whoever you are. I belive in you, if that matters.
All Fight, No Flight!
Strongest was a really fun character to make and made me realize that no matter how much I want to make things that are cool… I will always make cute things the best!
The art above was one of the iterations of the fourth piece in Strongest’s art set. However, I got busy and wanted to redo it with a more dynamic and epic pose. But like… this is so silly and funny! Oh what’s the word… Peak?
Foxx Model Test 1
Foxx was the 2nd character I had ever modeled, the first being One, and the next being Hollow then... well I can't say his name yet. This is also the first time I tried using color correction. This would lead me to learning more about the tools I was using.
Maybe I was dumb, but I kinda just went at projects full force without considering how amazing Blender's tools were. I never took any courses because it was just a hobby to me at the time and I was already busy as heck. I made a lot of mistakes that still bite me to this day. However, if I could go back, I would not change a thing.
I do genuinely love my art, both new and old, even if it's not perfect. But who's asking it to be perfect other than me, right?
The World Is Blue
We will call them "V" for now, again, you get NO lore! V was possibly the hardest character to design when D.ALL started and the character with the most amount of variations. All of them share the same core, that core being one of the main themes of D.ALL.
The World Is Red
Aesthetically V has remained the same throughout for various reasons, but partly because thier aesthetics perfectly refracted another's. And no, Free is not V, just gonna throw you that bone.
Foxx Model Test 2
Foxx's design was specifically made to work in bird's eye shots due to the nature of his character and the setting. I wanted him to feel small but always stand out, hence why he shines like a light bulb. Another reason was to replicate what the simpsons did with their choice of color. Although I guess instead of flipping channels, now it's scrolling down feeds.
This would set the grounds for Frost and Free's designs, and why we got the glow-stick trio we know today.
I could say a lot about thiers but I am already showing a bit too much, you gotta find the Hidden Hidden Gallery before I tell you anything more!
To Hate In Equinox
Used to be called "To Love In Equinox." Kinda funny in a bitter sweet way that I keep coming back to some of the same visual themes. Well, funny to only me at the moment, in the future may be funny or heart breaking to you. Actually as I am writing this I realize this painting could apply to a few... huh.